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Geo-triggering allows for the automatic detection of location context change events (such as entering or exiting a geofence, or crossing a Geoline™). For this capability, the SDK needs to be initialized and the app must have been granted location permission.

Start Geo-triggering

To start geo-triggering:

function doStartGeoTriggering() 
// The SDK needs be initialized and the app must have location permissions.
if (device.platform === "iOS") {
function () { console.log("Start Geotriggering Successful") },
function (error) { console.log("Start Geotriggering Failed with error: " + error) }
} else if (device.platform === "Android") {
const androidNotificationParams = {
channelId: "Bluedot Cordova",
channelName: "Bluedot Cordova",
title: "Bluedot Foreground Service - Geo-triggering",
"This app is running a foreground service using location services",
notificationId: 123,

function () { console.log("Start Geotriggering Successful") },
function (error) { console.log("Start Geotriggering Failed with error: " + error) },


Receiving Geo-trigger events

Register callback functions to receive Geo-triggering events.


As entry events may occur immediately upon starting Geo-triggering, it is recommended to subscribe to the events before starting the Geo-triggering service.

function subscribeToGeoTriggeringEvents() {
// Register callbacks functions for receiving geo-triggering events
io.bluedot.cordova.plugin.zoneInfoUpdateCallback( zoneUpdateCallbackFunction );
io.bluedot.cordova.plugin.enteredZoneCallback( zoneEnteredCallbackFunction );
io.bluedot.cordova.plugin.exitedZoneCallback( zoneExitedCallbackFunction );

// Then start the Geo-triggering service.

function zoneUpdateCallbackFunction( zoneInfos ) {
console.log( "Zones updated for " + zoneInfos.length + " zones" );

function zoneEntered( fenceInfo, zoneInfo, locationInfo, willCheckOut, customData ) {
console.log("Zone entered");

function zoneExited( fenceInfo, zoneInfo, date, dwellTime, customData ) {
console.log("Zone exited");

Stop Geo-triggering

If you only need geo-triggering for a limited period, once that period is over, you should stop the geo-triggering service.

function () { console.log("Stop Geotriggering Successful") },
function (error) { console.log("Stop Geotriggering Failed with error: " + error) }

Geo-triggering Status

You can use the isGeoTriggeringRunning method to check the status of the Geo-triggering service.

    function (isRunning) { console.log("Is Geo Triggering Running: " + isRunning) }